Friday, February 20, 2009

random . . . I'm all over the place in this one

So I've had a lot of thoughts going through my head in the last while that really haven't made enough sense to write anything about them. I have no idea where this blog will go tonight, but I was thinking that I hadn't written anything in a while . . . so here goes . . .

Have you ever taken the time to sit down and go back through your life thinking about the major events, important people, etc. that have shaped you into the person you are today? That's something I've been doing lately with a program I'm doing through my church. It's an interesting process . . . once I started writing down the things that came to mind initially, more and more started coming to mind. It's kind of strange to look at all of them in one place. And as I do, I can see God in the midst of them - even in the hard times. It's pretty cool to see. And encouraging. To realize how God has been there in all of your life is pretty amazing. Even when you think He's not, He is!

I've been thinking a lot about prayer lately . . . probably because we've been doing a series on it at the young adults group I go to. It's such a huge topic to try to cover in a short series . . . and a VERY IMPORTANT one. I used to get intimidated by the idea of prayer. It just seemed like something that had to be done just right, but I'm learning that it's not so much. It's mostly about just talking to God - having a conversation with Him. And it can happen as you go through the day.

OK, I know I'm all over the place with this blog, so to be even more all over the place, here's a song that I've come to like recently that I want to share.

Well, that's all for now. I will stop rambling about things now. That's where my thoughts have been recently.

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