Thursday, September 6, 2012

new beginnings

I don't know about you, but in some ways the beginning of September seems like more of a time of new beginnings than the change of years on the calendar in January. And so, to me, it feels like this time right now is a time of new beginnings. A new year at school begins for some people. Or a new time of life begins when you don't go back to school for the first time. And in the church, it's often the beginning of a new ministry year as well. Programs, Bible studies, classes for all ages start up again or start for the first time.

It can be a time of new beginnings for us personally as well. As new things begin or things we've always done are thing we move on from, we find ourselves in new situations and experiences and meeting new people. And God can use these times to change or begin something in us.

As someone who is not really a fan of change, I'm not always a fan of new beginnings. In fact, I usually try to avoid them if I can. But, I've started to learn that life gets boring if there are never new beginnings. We get stuck in the rut of doing the same thing all the time, and eventually we can reach the point of just going through the motions in life. At least, that's what happens to me.

But, if we allow God to begin new things in us and the things we spend our time on, we can learn things about ourselves we never would have otherwise. And we learn things about what God has for us in life and how He wants to use us and work in our lives that we never would have otherwise. It's worth the challenges that come with the new beginnings.

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